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Who’s Your Daddy 2.0

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It is a new chapter in the cool multiplayer Who’s Your Daddy 2.0! As before, this dynamic adventure is about the interaction between two characters – a daddy and a baby. However, it is not going to be something peaceful, as you may have already pictured! Instead, you will find yourself in a true nightmare! Two heroes will continuously compete. The baby will try to create chaos and reach dangerous items that may bring harm. On the other side, the dad will try to remove all the hazards before the worst happens! This short adventure is extremely dynamic and addictive.

Choose your protagonist!

The unique charm of this game is the ability to choose your protagonist. Opt to play as the responsible daddy, who must keep an eye on a mischievous baby, preventing it from getting into trouble. Scan the house and eliminate potential hazards before the baby reaches these. Alternatively, take on the role of the baby, embarking on a mission to hide from your daddy and find electrical outlets and various cleaners. Despite each round being short, the dynamic gameplay ensures there’s no moment to relax. For the best experience, test both roles. Dive in, play hard, and help your chosen character succeed!

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